Shawna and I met Lara and Doug at the April Bridal Bazaar. When they stopped by our booth, we were talking with them for a while and mentioned we were getting married in Italy. I saw Lara’s eyes light up while she told us that she and Doug had originally wanted to get married in Italy but decided to get married in San Diego. They knew each other from high school, they grew up in Edina, Minnesota, but didn’t start seeing each other until on a school trip together in Capri, Italy about 5 years ago. We set up an engagement session with them for last Sunday and I was so excited to hear they changed their plans and decided to go through with a wedding in Capri! Che emozione! I’m so excited for them and am happy to be able to share with them all of our information about getting married in Italy. Congratulazioni!
Um, Lara should model. Legs for days! Great job you two 🙂